Jerusalem The Eternal Capital Of Israel

We all have seen that the embassy of the United states has been moved to Jerusalem. We have seen the rage of the spirits of darkness. Let's not forget that it is a spiritual battle. 

God is using Donald Trump for His purpose so let's pray for him and his family men, but let's give our great God all the glory.

 The time is short and there isn't much time left and we see God working in a fast pace. It is so exiting to see that God is going to fulfill His Word before our very eyes. 

Jerusalem is the capital of Israël no matter what men or devil say. Let's keep praying for things to come and let's keep praying for Israël and it's prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu. To God be the glory. 

Hamas can turn anything into a weapon of terror

Over 50,000 Gazan's participated in Hamas-led riots along the Israeli-Gaza border on Monday. In the chaos of events, and in response to blatant violations of Israel’s sovereignty, Israel was forced to defend her border, resulting in the deaths of dozens of Palestinian rioters.

 The death toll rose to 60 overnight, of which 24 so far have been confirmed as members of known terrorist organizations.

At least 24 Hamas and Islamic Jihad terrorists were among those killed in yesterday's riots. These are soldiers in Hamas' terror army who attacked the border to murder Israeli citizens living nearby.

Headlines around the world yesterday demonized Israel. Today the truth is coming out. Will the world ignore it and still blame Israel? Or will the world stand up to Hamas?

Hamas is stealing any chance Israel and the Palestinians have at peace. Demand the international community stop Hamas at