It’s arguably the the greatest evidence for God that has ever existed. And 2017 is perhaps the most auspicious year possible for this living miracle in the Middle East.
It’s the nation of Israel, the home for the Jewish people returned after centuries of exile. The 70th anniversary of the modern nation-state is almost at hand. It’s also the 50th anniversary of the retaking of the capital city of Jerusalem and the 100th anniversary of the signing of the Balfour Declaration, which committed the United Kingdom to the formation of the Jewish state.
“This is a big year for Israel, with some major anniversaries,” says Joseph Farah, author of “The Restitution of All Things: Israel, Christians and the End of the Age”
“Just think about the symmetry in 2017: June 7 will be the 50th anniversary of Israel’s retaking of its capital city of Jerusalem; November 2 will be the 100th anniversary of the signing of the Balfour Declaration that set in motion the plan that led to statehood; November 29 is the 70th anniversary of the U.N.’s approval of the plan that returned Israel to statehood after a dispersion that lasted nearly 1,900 years.”
Farah urged Christians to recognize how truly important 2017 is for believers.
“That is like the Blood Moons phenomenon,” says Farah. “It’s not ever going to happen again. That makes 2017 a historic year to visit Israel – and those coming with us this November will be there for the 100th anniversary of the Balfour Declaration and just before the 70th anniversary celebration.”
The man who discovered the “Blood Moons,” Pastor Mark Biltz, also argues 2017 is significant.
“The number 70 is a very significant number for believers in Messiah,” said Biltz. “Seven is the number for spiritual perfection while 10 is the number for the perfection of divine order. The number 70 is the multiplication of these two factors. The number 70 is the completion of a whole cycle.
“For example, 70 weeks of years was determined for Jerusalem to make an end of sins according to the book of Daniel in chapter nine. With the 70th anniversary of the rebirth of the nation of Israel connected to the 50th anniversary of the retaking of Jerusalem, believers in Messiah should be excited as to what the upcoming new cycle may bring!”
Biltz, who analyzes the meaning of the biblical feasts for believers in his newest book, “God’s Day Timer,”
“They should be excited about the anniversary of prophecy being fulfilled,” says Biltz. “Christians should also be praying for the security of Israel. I believe they should try to make a pilgrimage to Israel as well. If that is not possible, I think it would be fun if believers sent cards of congratulations to the Knesset.”
Indeed, Biltz maintains Israel isn’t just an American ally or something of vague interest to Christians, but proof positive God is real.
“The existence of Israel is a definite miracle that proves God is concerned and intervenes in the affairs of men,” “God is more than willing to step into human history to show mankind who is the supreme authority. Only God could bring a nation that had been scattered around the world for 2,000 years back to live in their own land, forming a nation in a day. God is about to intervene in human affairs again in a big way within a very short time!”
Rabbi Jonathan Cahn,Israel is evidence not just of God’s existence but His faithfulness.
“The rebirth of Israel is the seminal event of end-time prophecy,” Cahn states. “The prophecy of Israel’s resurrection is foretold, explicitly or implicitly throughout the Hebrew Scriptures, from the time of Moses down through the Hebrew prophets.
“For any believer in Messiah, the resurrection and existence of Israel is a critical reality bearing colossal implications. First, it is another sign of how real the word of God is. For 2,000 years most people would never have believed the idea that Israel would ever be a nation again. Yet it happened. God’s word is true.
“Second, it is a sign and guarantee of God’s faithfulness. God gave His word to Israel that He would bring them back to the land. He fulfilled His word. If He fulfills promises to the Jewish people after 2,000 years, then we can all trust God to fulfill His promise in our lives.
“Third, the rebirth of Israel is a key sign concerning the end of the age. End-time prophecy ultimately centers on Israel. Therefore, there has to be an Israel for end-time prophecy to operate. Thus, those who, in past generations, held to the word of God and to end-time prophecy, held fast to the belief that, though it seemed impossible, one day the Jewish people would return to their ancient homeland and the land that had been a desolate wilderness would bloom again. It has all taken place. We are in the end times.”
Cahn also argues Israel is key to Christians because of the prophesied events that must take place within the Holy Land for Christ to return.
“When Yeshua, Jesus, was finishing His mission on Earth, His disciples asked him if he was going to, at that time, restore the kingdom to Israel,” Cahn explains. “He didn’t tell them that God was finished with Israel, as many in the church age have maintained. He replied that it was not for them to know the time. In other words, the kingdom would be restored to Israel. Thus, the resurrection of Israel is as key to the New Testament as it is to the Old.
“Messiah also told the Jewish people of Jerusalem, ‘You will not see me again until you say, ‘Baruch Ha Ba Ba Shem Adonai,” ‘Blessed is He who comes in the name of the Lord.’
“For that one prophecy to come true, the Jewish people had to survive for 2,000 years against all odds – they did. Then they had to be gathered from the ends of the earth to be able to say those words in Israel – they did. Then they had to regain their ancient city of Jerusalem in order to say those words in the holy city – and so they did. So the resurrection of Israel is not only crucial to the fulfillment of the Hebrew Scriptures – it’s just as crucial to the fulfillment of Messiah’s own words. In fact, He won’t come again until it all happens.”
Cahn urges believers to see and experience the miracle of Israel not as something tangential to their faith but as the very center.
“Believers need to realize, reverence and celebrate God’s fulfilling of His word in the midst of human history,” he says joyously. “For above all, the rebirth of Israel, proclaims to the world – God is real!”
Christian apologists are also eager to point to the Jewish state as evidence of the truth of the faith. One of the most well-known both to believers and to the larger culture is Ray Comfort, head of Living Waters Publications and the author of books including “Nothing Created Everything” and “Hitler, God and the Bible.” He is famous for his street evangelism and his skill at winning converts. the existence of Israel is one of the most important pieces of evidence for a thinking Christian.

“After the tragedy of the Holocaust and the end of World War II, we saw the Jews miraculously drawn from the nations, to Israel,” Comfort explains. “This was in fulfillment of Ezekiel 36:22-28 and happened in 1948. Then, in 1967, they got possession of Jerusalem. That was also nothing short of a miracle. This happened after 2,000 years of being scattered among the nations. Many believe that this was a fulfillment of the words of Jesus, as in Luke 21:23. What has happened during our lifetime in Israel is the undeniable the hand of God.”
Comfort also argues the contemporary geopolitical situation should snap Christians to attention.
“Those of us who are familiar with the Word of God know that we are living in very exciting times,” he says. “We are seeing fulfillment of Bible prophecy, particularly Zechariah 12:3 – ‘And in that day will I make Jerusalem a burdensome stone for all people: all that burden themselves with it shall be cut in pieces, though all the people of the earth be gathered together against it.’ We can’t help but feel a sense of excitement as we see that Jerusalem is a burdensome stone for the nations. No other city in the world is such a hot potato, and each day it becomes more like a hand-grenade with the pin pulled.”
“Well, we are the first generation in 2,600 years to see that prophecy fulfilled. Regardless of the various interpretations, we know that Israel is God’s sign to the nations. We also know the number 70 is an extremely significant biblical number.”
Gallups provided several examples of how the number 70 is important in the Bible.
- Israel spent a total number of 70 years in captivity in Babylon (Jeremiah 29:10).
- Seventy elders were appointed by Moses (Numbers 11:16).
- Moses took 70 elders, along with Aaron and his sons, up Mount Sinai (Exodus 24:9 – 11)
- Seventy is also connected with Jerusalem. The city kept 70 years of Sabbaths while Judah was in Babylonian captivity (Jeremiah 25:11).
- Seventy “sevens” were prophesied upon Jerusalem for it to complete its transgressions, to make an end for sins and for everlasting righteousness to enter (Daniel 9:24).
- Seventy disciples were sent out by Christ to preach the gospel to the surrounding area (Luke 10).