Why, in the model prayer the Lord gave his disciples, is there no mention of thanksgiving?

Our Lord’s prayer, as recorded in the sixth chapter of Matthew and the eleventh chapter of Luke, provides a sample form of expression which Jesus gave for his disciples and all of the spirit begotten to employ when addressing our heavenly Father during this Gospel age. It is a brief, direct petition which embodies such attitudes as reverence, faith and humility on the part of the offerer, who enjoys the privilege of sonship, having been accepted in the Beloved.
Although we are not informed specifically why there was no mention of "thanksgiving" in the model prayer, Matthew 5:45 indicates that God causes the sun to rise on the evil as well as the good and sends rain on both the just and the unjust. Unquestionably mankind’s original image has been marred greatly by the fall, but sinners to a greater or lesser degree still manifest an attitude of thankfulness for these and other common blessings of the present life.

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